we did a prototype of a flex-pypy(and then continued ) - which uses
pypy to translate into actionscript - which is then compiled with the
free flex compiler. So the 'bash the monkey' thing on the pygame main
page is made with that.
However... flex and pypy are such un-fun things to use that I think it
would require someone to be paid to work on it to get it
finished(think not one, but two compile steps... one using java!
eeewww) . If there's anyone who wants to pay for it, I think a pretty
could port could be done in less than 3 months. It would still be
buggy, but you could probably get many pygame games working on flash.
The idea is to implement the pygame API using flash. Yes, flash 8+
can do fast blits. You can kind of emulate basic blitting with flash
7 too.
ลองไล่อ่าน thread นี้ดูครับ pygame web plugin
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ทางออกอีกทางที่มีคนเสนอไว้คือใช้ IronPython ร่วมกับ Silverlight ครับ แต่ไม่รู้ว่า pygame จะใช้บน IronPython ได้เต็ม 100% หรือเปล่า
มีคนบอกว่าให้เปลี่ยนเป็นเวปแอปซะใช้turbogears ซึ่งพูดตรงๆเลยคือผมมือใหม่จริงๆ